I have always been intrigued by butterflies. It may be because they are beautiful and flutter around with such a flowing, peaceful movement. To me, they signify freedom, transformation, peace, and so much more as our family has adopted our own personal views.
Fifteen years ago, when my youngest daughter was just born, my father-in-law was in a car accident and, not long after, died during rehabilitation. After his passing, we started to see butterflies in many places we frequent. We would see them on our lanai at home, to a golf course landing on my husband's golf club, which used to be his Dad’s. Then again, in the hills of North Carolina at a picnic area fluttering around in our picnic shelter. And also in the Colorado mountains while hiking.
Our dear friend Annie who also knew his Dad is from the Philippines and said that this is most likely my husband's father’s spirit coming back to check in now and then. We decided to embrace that belief and held it close to our heart that somehow he was still here watching our family grow.
My oldest daughter gave her little sister a butterfly wing necklace this past Christmas; she has the other wing. I also have the same necklace with a wing to match each of the girls butterflies, making a complete butterfly when worn together. There is a note by the designer that goes with each wing which we hold dear to our hearts.
I Gave Her Wings (From Mom)
I may have given you wings, but you gave my life true direction. Helping you grow has awakened new worlds within me. You challenged me to be better - to breathe with a softer heart and think with a stronger mind. You showed me what unconditional love truly means. If you ever find yourself questioning where you belong, know that you will always have an infinite home within me. Your wings are not mine to keep, but I’ll forever hold them close. May my heart be the safest place you fall. May my love remind you of all the reasons you can fly.
She Taught Me To Fly (From my daughters)
You provide a sacred love, a love that gives courage and comfort all at once. A solid ground that I continue to rise upon. My wings were built from your heart and are entwined with your enlivening strength and magic. And when you told me I could fly, it was impossible to doubt because I have seen all that grows from being wrapped in your light. Guided by your love, I’m able to move to a place of expansion - holding on to your teachings and carrying pieces of you wherever I go. This is how I know I can reach great heights - only through our hearts do we get the chance to meet the sky.
You may not notice butterflies the way our family does, but when you do next, I hope you will have a peaceful feeling and the freedom of being able to spread your wings to fly.
My affirmation you this week is:
“I will hold tight to my thoughts and beliefs that bring peace, comfort, and beauty to my life."
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