Signature Tote
Signature Tote Signature Tote Signature Tote Signature Tote
$ 65.00
Whether you’re heading to the office, the gym, or the airport, this beautiful bag is just what you need to organize all your essential items.

Made with durable micro-fiber fabric that resists stains and scuffs, Kay’s Signature Tote features one zippered pocket, two open pockets and a magnetic-snap closure.

Kay's Signature Totes are currently only available in stores.
Please call a Kay Casperson signature location to order - Sanibel (239-395-6002)
The inspirational tag inside Kay's Signature Tote features the affirmation, 
“I carry with me only treasures that inspire me — to find balance, see beauty, and become ageless.”
16 x 11 x 6 inches
Kay's Signature Totes are currently only available in stores.
Please call a Kay Casperson signature location to order - Sanibel (239-395-6002)