How to use Affirmations

An affirmation is a word or phrase that inspires positive change.

I revitalize my spirit Lifestyle Affirmation BeautifuLife by Kay CaspersonAffirmations can be short or long, simple or complex, uplifting or encouraging, and when it comes to the affirmations on each of Kay’s nourishing skincare products, they offer guidance and positive support to keep you focused on your journey to a more balanced, beautifulife.

On this helpful how-to page, we’re focusing on the five most important aspects of your life – the emotional, spiritual, physical, environmental, and social – but there are many other ways in which you can apply Kay’s lifestyle affirmations, like in the professional, financial, romantic, familial, and creative aspects of your life. 

You should say your affirmations every day, wherever and whenever you need to, because just like Kay’s skincare, you’ll get the best results when you use all of the affirmations together, especially when certain aspects of your life (or skin) are out of balance or in need of healing.

Explore the chart and video below to discover more about how to use Kay’s lifestyle affirmations, and keep scrolling for unique printable and shareable daily affirmations.

Lifestyle Affirmations • Skincare by Kay Casperson

1  •  I remove negativity  •  Cleanser

Remove and release all of the unhealthy, unnecessary, or uninspiring influences that negatively impact your life. 

emotionally: self-limiting thoughts and attitudes
spiritually: ideals or norms conflicting with your conscious
physically: unhealthy habits, like overeating or smoking
environmentally: unnecessary clutter and distractions
socially: unsupportive, unkind, uninspiring people

What other negative habits or influences can you remove?

2 • I refresh my perspective Balancing Spray

Explore anything that makes you happy and encourages you to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

emotionally: use affirmations to stay positive 
spiritually: listen to music that inspires or lifts you up
physically: try a healthy new recipe or fitness class
environmentally: rearrange the furniture or paint a wall
socially: seek out new people with common interests

How else can you refresh your outlook?

3  •  I repair myself  •  Healing Gel

Commit yourself to resolving long-standing issues that prevent you from moving forward in your life.

emotionally: focus on healing, ask for help if you need it
spiritually: reconnect with your faith or what inspires you
physically: commit to improving chronic health problems
environmentally: tackle unfinished home projects 
socially: mend broken bonds with meaningful people

How can you repair yourself from the inside out?

4  •  I revitalize my spirit  •  Glow Serum

Keep your inner light burning bright with ideas and experiences that add only beauty and vibrancy to your life.

emotionally: make time for things that bring you joy
spiritually: explore spiritual alternatives, like meditation
physically: try out a whole new hairstyle or makeup look
environmentally: display a bright bouquet of flowers
socially: make an unexpected new friendin a new place

What are some other ways to revitalize your spirit?

5  •  I replenish my strength  •  Moisturizer

Always take time to care for yourself, especially if you care for others. Don’t neglect or ignore your needs.

emotionally: make time to soothe your mind in solitude
spiritually: find privacy to pray, read or meditate
physically: take a brisk walk or go to bed extra early
environmentally: light a scented candle and relax
socially: take a little break from overly "needy" friends

When can you make time to replenish yourself?

6  •  I renew my goals  •  Smoothing Cream

You control your own destiny. Surround yourself with motivation and turn your goals and dreams into reality.

emotionally: set your goals and start planning
spiritually: follow your heart and trust your instincts
physically: stay energized; get plenty of sleep and exercise
environmentally: hang a vision board in your home
socially: network with helpful, supportive people

How can you renew your dreams and passions?

7  •  I refine my focus  •  Exfoliant

Focus on what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Refine your focus, nourish your strengths, and polish your talents.

emotionally: decide what makes you happy and go for it
spiritually: let your creativity flow from your heart
physically: practice, practice, practice
environmentally: surround yourself with inspiration
socially: connect with people who share your passion

How can you refine your focus?

8  •  I resurface my life  •  Mask

Periodically, step back and take a look at how you're living your life – what have you been avoiding?

emotionally: don't ignore issues you have the power to fix
spiritually: be honest with yourself in every way
physically: objectively evaluate your health and wellness
environmentally: consider a change of career or scenery
socially: resolve any long-standing friction or tension

How can you resurface and transform your life?

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