Beautifulife - Serve others

Do you have a heart to serve?  Veterans Day just passed and it is so awesome to see so many people honor those that served our Country. It also makes me think about all the great ways that individuals can get involved in serving others.  Serving is actually a part of our purpose and plan and can be quite fulfilling when done with an open heart and mind.  We need to remind our young people how important it is to get involved in serving others and that it is not serve us, or serve me - it is serve others.

The best place to start looking for people and places to serve is in your own circle of influence.  Who do you know that needs help? How about where you work, the schools in your community, your churches or other non- profit organizations that need volunteers. There are so many opportunities out there to serve others, you just need to follow your passion and find the areas you can help.  Remember, if you love and serve your circle of influence first, then the world will be served appropriately.

If you’re looking for some ideas - here are just a few; care packages for those in need, donating food, clothing and things to local and national organizations, visit hospitals and nursing homes or even offering to help a friend by watching their kids, lending a helping hand or even transportation.  Remember it can be as simple as helping other people shine, celebrating other people, listen or pay attention, thank and even pay it forward by buying someone’s coffee.  If you search for opportunities to serve you will find them and you will be amazed at how much more fulfilled and beautiful your life will be!  

Here are a few affirmations that will help you serve.


I am always looking for new ways to serve others

as a part of my plan and purpose

I will listen to others, celebrate their lives

and help them shine

I have a creative mind and

will come up with new ideas for myself

and others to serve our community and our world.




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