One of the most important things we can do for our lives, our loved ones, and our future is to pray. But, I also know that many people struggle with how, when, and where to do so. It seems appropriate to discuss as we venture into a time of Thanksgiving, a time of appreciating our blessings and being grateful for all we have.
We all come from different backgrounds, various religions, beliefs, and traditions. But, regardless of how you were raised or what you believe, there are some straightforward ways to express your gratitude, reach out for help, and bless others. It actually does not take the perfect time, place, or words to do any of the above, only a desire to make a difference in your life or the lives of other individuals.
When I was growing up, my parents taught me the importance of prayer. We said blessings before each meal, prayed at church on Sundays and, said special prayers for those that were hurting or in need of healing. I realized through the years that it wasn't so much about learning the best prayer for the moment as it was about letting the moment lead the prayer.
You can pray under your breath, out loud, in the shower, or even in your car. Take these few simple steps to help get you comfortable. Find a place where you can be alone and start by thanking God for all of your blessings of health, happiness, and true prosperity for yourself and your loved ones. Then, ask for prayer for people you know who need help or healing in any aspect of life. Finally, believe that everything you prayed for is already answered and in progress. Having this kind of faith is essential in the process of prayer.
At this time of Thanksgiving, I have an extra special prayer for you. I pray that all is well in your world and that you will continue to find the best and most meaningful ways to live your beautifulife.
My affirmation for you this week is:
"I will make prayer a priority each and every day as I realize the impact it has in my life."

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