I recently attended a Christmas party and wore a shirt that said "don't worry, just sparkle" in shiny sequence letters. Many commented about it and loved the saying. I started to think about the word sparkle and what it means to do so. There are two definitions of sparkle, one is to shine brightly with flashes of light, and the other is to be vivacious and witty. I think that we can come up with even more ways to sparkle to make your new year the brightest and shiniest year of your life.
It is always beautiful to see a newly engaged person show off their sparkly diamond. We can all find a time to dress up in something that sparkles this time of year. It is fun to see homes and businesses lit up with sparkly lights during the holidays. Yet more important than all of that, how great does it feel to sparkle from the inside out truly? But, how does that happen? How can we ensure that we brighten it up and shine when we walk into a room?
First and foremost, know who you are and own it. Be confident in your personality, how you dress, and with who you spend your time. Realize what people think of you does not matter as much as what you feel about yourself and your life.
Next, make sure that you let go of anything that does not encourage you, help you grow, or compliment you. For some reason, we tend to hang on to things and people way too long that do nothing for our growth.
If your life story needs to change, remember that you are the author and can do so. If you have too much stress, run in many directions, are worried often, or lack joy, it is time to take charge. Making positive adjustments in your life will influence your sparkle. Some of these changes are not easy, but they may be necessary for your ultimate health and happiness.
And finally, embrace your beautiful life today. Don't wait for a certain age to embrace life and to appreciate not only your surroundings but your loved ones. Start today by acknowledging every single blessing that surrounds you. Your sparkle needs to start now.
My affirmation for you this week is:
"I will get my sparkle on to stay inspired and to inspire those around me today and every day."
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