For as long as I can remember, I have always made it a point to make my breakfast, lunch, or dinner table look and feel inviting and beautiful. No matter how many people will be at that table, whether it is just my husband and me, my family, or guests, I believe that coming to the table should be an experience every day.
The table represents sharing. There is something special and traditional for me about the table. It was the place that our family would gather together every evening at a specific time. We would not only enjoy a meal together, but we would also have great conversations about our lives, our days, and our dreams. This gathering time stayed with me, and to this day, my family enjoys the same thing as we venture through life. It is a time for all to share about their day and discuss life’s moments, either good or bad. I know we all look forward to it.
The table represents giving. I have always been a giver, and it gives me much pleasure in providing a beautiful, well-balanced meal for all to enjoy. I thoughtfully plan out each week with various meals that cover all aspects from Italian, to Asian, to good old fashion surf and turf and everything in between. I am satisfied when all tummies are full, and everyone is happy!
The table represents creativity. From flowers to candles to food presentation, there are so many ways to keep things beautiful, inspiring, warm, and inviting. It also gives a sense of pride and accomplishment when you love the way your table and presentation are. So even if you are by yourself, I encourage you to take the extra time to make it enjoyable and a place you want to be.
The table represents connection. This is probably the most important aspect of the table for me, and it should be for all of us. We live in a very busy, noisy, and active world that has become even more loud and stressful because of our instant communication on all levels. In my house, no devices are allowed at the table. We are there to talk, to vent, to celebrate, and to truly connect with each other. We all need more of this.
The table represents faith. Our table has become our virtual church gathering place since we have been mostly watching online for the past several months. It is fitting, though, as we can have a beautiful breakfast, enjoy our service and discuss how the message relates to our lives. It is also a place where we frequently pray for our family, others, and our world.
As we approach this Thanksgiving time, I know that things may look a bit different for some in terms of gatherings. It is now more than ever essential to get creative and stay inspired to make the best of each and every meal. I encourage you to take the time to find a new way to enjoy coming to the table.
My affirmation for you this week is;
“I am finding new ways to make coming to the table in my house more enjoyable, inspirational, and fulfilling."
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