This time of year, many people are celebrating with the Angels, from singing Christmas songs about them, putting Angels on their treetops, and decorating their homes with beautiful figurines. But I believe that Angels are among us every day of the year, not just at Christmas time.
I have always been fascinated with the Angels. I used to have a book called "Angel Wisdom," a daily meditation book about what the Angels would do in various situations. I read a passage from this book 20 years ago at a fundraising event held on Captiva Island to raise money to preserve nature. That same event is where I met my husband, and we are celebrating 20 years of being together this month.
It was such a coincidence that I read this particular passage the morning of this event to preserve nature with the Sanibel, Captiva Conservation Foundation. I asked to share it on stage with the many guests that were there to help raise funds. The passage that I read was about how Angels want us to preserve nature and enjoy the beautiful plants, animals, and benefits.
My Mom passed five years ago this January. She was a singer and had a beautiful voice like an Angel. I gave the eulogy at her celebration of life. I talked about how I envision her in heaven singing with the Angels. When I fly in an airplane, I pray every time over the plane for our safety. I imagine Angels surrounding my aircraft, including my Mom. It may sound crazy to some of you, but I know that when you pray if you believe enough to envision things happening, that is true faith.
We miss people the most on special occasions and the holidays. It is the time that we celebrate together, express our love, and send greetings of joy, peace, and happiness to each other. But missing people that have passed in our lives doesn't have to be sad. It can also be a joyful celebration knowing that they are Angels among us. They are there to guide us, help protect us, and to continue steering us towards our best and most beautifulife.
My affirmation for you this week is:
"I will celebrate and embrace the Angels that surround me and guide me today, and every day."
Merry Christmas!
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