BeautifuLife: Dream Big

What's that one thing you're always day-dreaming about?

Is it an activity you're passionate about, an artistic endeavor, a challenging new career, or creating a whole new life for yourself? If your dream will lead you to a more balanced, fulfilling, beautiful life, then it's time to start making it a reality.

It won't happen overnight, but if you stick with it and let your passion be your guide, you'll find your way sooner than you think. Here are some special affirmations that have led me to happiness, and I hope they can help guide you on your journey to making your dreams come true. 

I pursue my dream with an open mind and faith in my heart

Seek wisdom and learn from the experiences of other people, but remember that your journey and circumstances are unique, even if your dreams and goals are similar to theirs. Be open to advice and inspiration, consider and be prepared for possible pitfalls or setbacks, plan and visualize your success, and then go where your heart leads you.

I set small goals and work toward my dream every day

Sometimes, the little victories seem so little that we might as well not even bother – but it's celebrating those little victories that keeps us moving in the right direction, bringing us one step closer to success every single day. When you add them all up, those seemingly small achievements can amount to something amazing!

I have the power to make my dreams come true

Don't let self-doubt or negativity slow you down. Ultimately, you're in control of your destiny, and it's how you handle life's opportunities and obstacles that will determine your path. If the journey becomes difficult, remind yourself that you're making your dreams come true and that the struggle you're experiencing will ultimately make you stronger and contribute to your future success.


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