When was the last time you got creative?
Creativity is essential in having your most beautifulife. It is not only rewarding to be creative but it can also be a form of therapy. I'm not just referring to picking up a paintbrush or a musical instrument once in awhile. Your imagination and artistry aren't limited to what we think of as traditional creative outlets or skills, like dancing or drawing; creativity can also be logical and useful, like when it helps you come up with clever fixes for unexpected situations at work or home.
Ever since I was a little girl, I would gravitate towards creating things that became unique, fun, interesting, and more functional. Whether it was a space that I was transforming, a more functional work environment or a new look and image for a person, I felt invigorated with each creation. As a makeup artist years ago, I learned that you could transform the way people felt just by teaching them how to be more creative with their look. I saw a light shine from within for so many just by helping them learn to get more creative themselves. The affirmations that I put on all of my packaging ensures that transformation takes place on the inside and out.
Above all, letting your creative instincts take control can help you experience the world around you in exciting new ways. Whether you're adventuring “outside the box” or transforming the box from the inside out, here are some of my favorite affirmations for unleashing your creativity.
I look for innovative solutions
From split-second decisions to major life choices, different obstacles require different strategies; but don't get stressed – get creative! When you're feeling stumped, start figuring out new ways to use the resources you already have access to, and consider alternate routes and perspectives by doing careful research and brainstorming with people you trust. One of the best ways to get started is to grab a pen and a blank sheet of paper and just let your ideas flow onto the page.
I nurture my curious nature
Satisfy your soul by pursuing ideas and experiences that spark your curiosity and bring your creativity to life in positive, beautiful ways. Find a subject that captivates you and read everything you can find on the topic, dedicate time to practicing and honing a special skill or talent, or prepare and enjoy an unusual meal or activity with your friends and family – whatever you do, never be afraid to explore your interests, ask questions and try new things.
I let my creativity flourish
Keep an open heart and mind, and when inspiration strikes, take the time to let your creativity bloom into something beautiful, even if it's just jotting down notes and ideas for later. It sounds simple because it is; inspiration is all around you, and if you're thinking innovatively and nurturing your curiosity, creativity is bound to blossom abundantly in every aspect of your life – just let it happen!
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