Beautifulife - Rock your beauty

What do rocks and beauty have in common? Do you think all rocks are beautiful? Most of you would say no to that answer. But what if you could actually look beyond the outside of a rock to look on the inside instead? In some cases you would see something totally different right?

I have recently had the chance to visit an area of the Country that has a shoreline filled with many beautiful rocks. When my family and I visited Minnesota this year we spent some time up on the North Shore of Lake Superior and had the opportunity to take in all the beauty that this area has which is the vast shoreline of this amazing lake and the beauty of the rocks that line it.

I began to think about all of the various kinds of rocks that we saw on the shores and then all
the rocks that were sold in the stores and through the local artists. These valuable rocks looked so different when they were polished up and of course some of them were even cut apart to expose the beautiful and colorful insides of the raw stones.

I believe this is such a good example of how we as individuals expose our beauty. People, like rocks come in all shapes, sizes and variations of color. What we see on the outside of people is not always a reflection of what is on the inside and certainly not what we would see if we were more polished up now and then.

The point that I am trying to make is this; What if you took what was on the inside of you like your wisdom, energy, goals, dreams, aspirations, light, love, heart and soul and brought it to the outside, polished it up and showed the world who you really were? How different would you look? I bet many of you would look different than what you look like right now, I think you would look brighter, more colorful, happier, shinier and more vibrant, don’t you?

Let’s make a big effort to look at each other in a whole new light knowing that the beauty that we already see is only part of the story and that each and every one of us has even more to be uncovered and explored. Lets also make an effort to show the world more of who we are and what lies beneath the surface knowing that we are all unique, special and our own kind of beautiful!

My affirmation for you this week is;

"I am taking a closer look at who I am and what lies beneath my surface. I acknowledge that I am unique, I will embrace my gifts and I will rock my beauty!"

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