
This time of year, we are usually so busy running around to find the perfect gift for others or getting ready to host or attend an event or family gathering.  But, as we all know, many things have changed for the time being. This year has become quite different from all the other years at Holiday time, even though the blessings continue to shine through. 

Our Company and associates missed hosting our annual Luminary Christmas Karaoke party.  Our locals and visitors to the Islands come and enjoy food and drinks while listening to others sing their hearts out to win beauty bucks to spend at the Spas.  But we were still blessed to have our consultants participate in a Christmas Dress up event to celebrate the season.

We usually have our Company Bootcamp this time of year for all of our associates to learn about new products, protocols, and enhanced team building and activities.  Instead, we have had mini breakout sessions based on various topics and will host those throughout the year.  We feel blessed that we can continue to inspire each other.

I usually have my 85-year-old Dad here to visit the first couple of weeks in December to participate in all the fun activities like Luminary and our Company Christmas Party.  Oh well, I will have to wait until a safer time for him to travel.  Yet, I still feel blessed to regularly talk to him and toast a good glass of wine with him while reminiscing about life in general and all the things we are looking forward to soon.

Yes, many things are different for all of us.  Some of you would typically travel back to see your loved ones, and some of you would have your loved ones come to visit you right where you are.  We are blessed to have the opportunity to share special moments with loved ones on the phone or the computer.

My husband and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve.  Our actual wedding date was September 13, 2001, and as we were preparing to leave for our big day on September 11, we both watched the planes crash into the twin towers.  We were in shock, crushed, and scared like everyone was as life changed, and we postponed everything we had worked so hard to plan.  But, we were blessed to say our vows and get married on Christmas Eve at my parent's home that same year in Minnesota in front of the Christmas Tree with family surrounding us.  We then went off to Australia to visit his family and share in our celebrations. 

My point is, no matter what we go through, no matter what life throws our way, there is a blessing to be found.  I am confident that if we focus on what we can do differently or better and learn from the experience, we will always move closer to our best and most beautifuLIFE.  Remember, the most significant blessings are the ones that you see and feel every day, like your family, friends, health, and your happiness.  

 My affirmation for you this week is;

"I am grateful for the blessings that surround me every day and will always look for the lessons learned in every situation."

Happy New Year!

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