This week I am bringing back one of my favorite blogs. As we moved through Holy Week and all the events leading up to Easter Sunday, I thought about the Cross and its meaning to people from all walks of life. I had several conversations with my family about those events, what transpired and what we can take with us in our everyday lives. We explored questions like "what was the purpose of the last supper?" "What were the events leading up to the crucifixion?" My favorite one is "what does the Cross mean to you?".
I believe that if I asked the question about the Cross even to others, I would get an array of responses. Many display a Cross on a mantle or over their bed, while others will wear a Cross as jewelry, and some have Cross tattoos. But, what is the reason or the purpose for doing so? I believe these words come to mind for many individuals, from protection, redemption, sacrifice, and faith to trust, peace, salvation, love, or even freedom and glory.
When you think about it, there is a strange contradiction of meanings that the Cross can bring, such as death to life, pain to healing, accusations to forgiveness, defeat to victory, sin to purity, and hate to love. Once known as a cruel form of execution, it is now a symbol of something so beautiful and personal. I believe that the Cross resembles a choice we make every day to give love out freely and receive love from others. To know deep inside that, you are loved even without hearing the words I love you.
Yes, indeed, the Cross is so many things; it is personal, prophetic, resembles humility, and something final. Why do so many continue to carry the Cross but will hold on to hurtful things from the past instead of just letting it go? If we keep the painful, life-changing vision in our heads that Jesus carried that Cross on his back and then died on it so that we don't have to bear the burdens on ours any longer, we may finally be able to move forward knowing that He paid the debt for our salvation.
I encourage you to take this beautiful time of year to reflect and open your heart to a deeper understanding of renewal and all the words that go along with it, like forgiveness, rejuvenation, and restoration. If you believe in something so powerful, it can change everything.
My affirmation for you this week is;
"I am taking time to reflect on the Cross and what it means to me and how it continues to move me forward on my journey to my most beautifulife."
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