Beautifulife - Back to School

 What kind of things are you focusing on at this time of year?  Many families are thinking about getting their kids back to school and all the preparation that this entails, so I thought it would be a good time to bring attention to some of the other things that we tend to think about while summer is winding down. 

Continuing education - what things do you need to complete to keep licenses current or to get more knowledgeable in your field?  Learning should always be a part of your life, whether you take an actual class or you subscribe to an individual or organization that can help you grow and learn in your field, this is a wonderful time to take advantage of those opportunities.  

End of year goals - what things can you implement in your daily tasks in order to meet the goals that you have set before you or your Company?  What a great time to reassess those goals and to put the steps in place to make them really happen!  Make a list of the goals, what they were for the year and where they stand right now.  Then, list the things that need to happen in order to meet it.  

Re-organizing - this is a time of year that is great for cleaning out the clutter from your closets, cabinets, basements, garages or vacation properties in order to make more space and to organize things to get ready for a new season with a refreshed outlook!  Remember, after things have sat in one place for more than a few years without being used, it is time to take a look at whether you have a need for them at all or if you can get rid of them by donating them or giving them away.

Plan a shopping day - make a list of things that you want to buy to spruce up your wardrobe, home or office and plan a day to go out and have some fun shopping around for them.  Make it a special day that you set aside and don’t have to rush back but can take some time to enjoy browsing and shopping.  Maybe you could also stop to have a nice lunch or dinner as shopping should be an enjoyable adventure!

Regardless of what this time of year makes you think about or concentrate on, remember to cherish the fact that most people are thinking “back to school” and there is something cool and refreshing about that, so get on the bandwagon and get your “back to school” hat on, get educated, set goals, organize and go shopping!

My affirmation for you this week is;

“I am preparing for a new season to learn and grow and will continue to refresh my outlook for success!”

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