What does it mean to wander? According to the dictionary, it has various meanings, but they all circle back to something that I believe to be an important part of living your most balanced and beautifuLIFE. In a nutshell, to wander means to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal, to follow a winding course or to meander. It can also mean to go astray either physically or mentally.
The English writer, poet, and university professor J. R. R. Tolkien once wrote;
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.
I love this, and if you really think about what it means to wander, you will realize as I did, that there is a desire in all of our hearts to do so. How cool is it to just go somewhere without a plan, a goal or a purpose? When was the last time you just parked your car, put yourself on a path and followed it. Or how about doing something as simple as letting your mind go down a new road to a world that you have not traveled but often think about. Nothing wrong with that right?
Of course, there are always those responsibilities that bring you back to the reality of your world, but...I think there is magic in letting yourself wander once in a while. Some of the ways you can get yourself into wander mode are to;
- Carve out a day that you give yourself a couple of hours to take a drive, park your car and explore a new path... whether it be a walk around a lake, park, trail or the beach...find something you have not done before and wander down the road.
- Grab a pen and paper and write down places you would love to visit or experiences you would like to have. Writing things down is the first step in making things happen in your life - the next step is to visualize yourself there and then make it a reality.
- Book your next trip to somewhere that you have not been and make it a point to learn and experience something new and different. There is a big world out there, and it is always fun and exciting to travel and explore a new destination.
- Take a chill day and lock yourself away from the world, your responsibilities, electronics and people and just drift off. Only allow beautiful and positive things to enter your thoughts and try to direct them to places and things that bring peace, tranquility, and comfort to you.
I can assure you that if you do any of the above...you will enter into wander mode and you will join a huge group of individuals who understand the importance of escaping the reality of everyday life once in a while and embracing the idea of letting yourself wander off just a bit ....without getting lost.
My affirmation for you this week is;
"I will take time to wander down a road not yet traveled in my journey to a more balanced and beautifuLIFE”
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