
The word disruption means - a disturbance or problem that interrupts an event, activity, or process. Today I would like to discuss the upside of disruption.  You may say, how can there be an up side to any kind of disruption? Your world is falling apart, your job, marriage or partnership has come to an end or your health is at a crisis point, and all of a sudden you are faced with making some significant decisions and changes in life.  I would say that this is the true definition of disruption. So, what is the upside of this you might ask? Well, in my humble opinion and experience in life, where there is disruption - there is growth, new possibilities and positive change right around the corner. Now, I understand that this might not be recognized right away, but if you really try to look for a positive outcome and the light at the end of the tunnel, you will see the upside of all that has been disrupted in your life.  

Below are just a few examples of what might try to cause disruption in your life.

  • Marriage is at a crisis point
  • Someone close to you passes
  • Business partnership is dissolving
  • Group or organization is not in unity
  • Team or league is not working together
  • Family is in turmoil over a trust or legacy
  • Health issues are surfacing and need attention

No matter what the disruption is, I do believe there is always a solution that will help you get through it and even come out better than you ever thought you could.  This is the UP side of it all, and if you know that no matter what happens in life - there is an upside to it, you will not be overwhelmed with stress, worry, fear or anxiety.  Remember to stay focused on the best outcome for every situation and remain as positive as you possibly can until you get through this small but mighty moment. Continue to speak positive and encouraging words to yourself and to others.  Pray for wisdom and strength, and you just might find yourself landing in a better place then you had ever imagined.

My affirmation for you this week is;

“I am always looking for the UP-side of every situation and know that any disruption in life is ultimately a path to something better and more beautiful”

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