It is always quite amazing to see just how much joy a new puppy can bring to everyone. Our family acquired an Australian Shepherd puppy this past year and we named him Didji. Didji warms our hearts just like my other dogs did that were once just pups. Of course as they grow they are permanently embedded into our hearts as true pals, but there is something about being a puppy that brings out the best in most people. Puppies makes us smile and laugh, they keep you exercising and most of all they bring back a discipline of creating a routine that a puppy can learn and follow for the rest of its life. Big responsibilities fall into the hands of any puppy owner but for the most part, they put a warmth in your heart like nothing else can do.
Do you remember that warm, butterfly feeling you had back in your school years when you had a crush on someone or you thought you really liked that person a lot? It’s similar to that of a love for a puppy which is why they also associate that kind of a feeling to puppy love. But the true love for a puppy lasts much longer and turns into a trusted companionship that can bring much joy to our lives for as long as you have with them.
We show love to a puppy by spending time with them, playing with them, walking them, teaching them how to do certain things and training them to be a good fit for your household and environment. But, the unconditional love that puppies have for their owners is hard to beat since regardless of where they came from or what environment they now live in, the only thing that matters to them is that they are loved and they can give love back.
Puppies show love in many ways and although they can’t talk back to us or with us, we feel like they are communicating just the same. You know when they are happy either from a wag of a tail, rolling over for a tummy rub, raising a paw for a handshake or bringing you their favorite toy to play with. Cuddling next to you is a sure sign that the love bond has begun and the journey of growing your companionship will be a long lasting wonderful adventure.
I am a big animal lover and enjoy every stage of the game from young to old but there is something new and fresh about puppies and I appreciate all they have brought into my beautifulife!
My affirmation for you this week is;
“I will cherish the times that I am lucky enough to experience the feeling of puppy love and will celebrate when others do as well.”
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