Quality Vs. Quantity

This week I would like to remind you how important it is that in all areas of your life you strive for quality over quantity.  So often we forget that it is not about how many friends we have but about the few good ones that really make a difference in our lives and end up being the lasting friendships.  It is not about how many things we can acquire but the precious things that we have that mean something to us for years to come.  It is better to get a few items crossed off your to do list that make a difference rather than to tackle all of it at once.  

Focus on taking a few good quality photos rather than to try to take pictures all of the time, missing out on just enjoying the moment.  When sharing things on social media it is important to share quality things that speak volumes for your life and will send a positive feeling and message to others.  Take the time to think about what your are sharing and posting before you do so it is truly representing what you want people to grasp from the moment.  Not only will this keep people engaged, but also inspired.

How about at work?  Do you try to get as many things done as possible in a day or are your focusing on the important items and doing a great job for the best results even if it is finishing just a few?  Sometimes you need to take a step back to see what projects might need to be put aside or delegated in order to put out better quality work results.

In our homes we should be aware of what things matter in terms of quality, from the food we buy for ourselves and our families to the linens we put on our beds.  Remember, your home is your castle and your body is your temple so concentrate on a few quality things instead of filling it with clutter and items that may not mean a whole lot to you or be beneficial in the long run.

I try to teach my children, which is not always easy for them to understand, that instead of wanting to shop for clothes and things all the time, focus on getting a few quality items that are timeless and can stay around longer than just a season.   This is not an easy task having girls who like to shop but it is an important lesson to learn in life.

This week I would love for you to make a special effort to look at the relationships you have, the things you have acquired and the tasks you take on from week to week to make sure that your beautifulife is full of quality!  

My affirmation for you this week is;

“I am focusing on less not more and the quality vs. quantity of my relationships, work, play, home and life.”


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