What does this word mean to you? Revitalize can suggest making someone or something active, healthy or energetic again. It can also expect to impart new life or vigor to as well as to restore something to a dynamic or fresh condition.
Why is this word so essential for us to include in our daily lives? Because so often we get stuck in a rut doing the same things over and over again from our daily work routines to our daily home routines and everything in between. What tends to happen is that we get bored or we start to take certain things for granted, and we forget to appreciate the things that really matter the most.
So how is it then that we can learn to revitalize our lives regularly enough so to avoid the burnout that comes with doing the same thing over and over as well to continue to keep all aspects of our lives fresh and thriving?
I have come up with a few suggestions for you in the various aspects of life in hopes that this list will trigger some additional creative thoughts of your own.
Emotional - take a mental break away from technology and try to disconnect a bit more at certain times during the day and during the week to revitalize your spirit and your thoughts. Being too connected and too available at all times can create mental burnout. A great way to forget it all and let go is to get a relaxing massage or a Spa treatment. A great way to revitalize and lift your spirits is to get a new hairstyle or learn a new way to do your makeup.
Physical - take a group fitness class or work on a fitness routine that gives you a new sense of desire to workout. Subscribe to an online course that is out of the box and different then what you are used to doing and select the best time of day to incorporate this into your life. Just changing things up a bit helps to make working out and staying physically fit actually fun vs. a chore that needs to be done.
Spiritual - read a good book, pray, listen to an inspiring podcast, take the time to go to church and even watch a service live if you can't get to the one you want to visit. There is not a better way to revitalize your spirit than to listen to a gifted teacher or inspirational leader. Bring affirmations into your life, so you continue to motivate and inspire yourself every day.
Environmental - this one can be lots of fun by digging up your creative juices to make things fresh and new again. Paint a room, buy some new home accessories, bedding, or even a new piece of art. Add something new to your landscaping like a plant, tree or flowers and change your view both inside and out. Get involved with a local organization that protects your environment, learn more about them and contribute to the cause.
Social - I love this one because it really is easy to let relationships go in terms of spicing things up and keeping them fresh and fun! Consider buying flowers, cards or even just a small gift of some kind for those your love, to show your appreciation. Send an ecard or create an event with a friend or loved one that is out of the box like a picnic, quick getaway or just an unexpected day of relaxation and rejuvenation at a Spa! Join a new group of like-minded individuals to meet new people and create some new, fresh friendships.
Any of these ideas and even some of your own will help to keep your progress moving fast forward in having your most balanced and beautifulife. Keeping things fresh and revitalized will ensure that all you have worked for in life continues to thrive.
My affirmation for you this week is;
"I am exploring new ways revitalize my life to keep things fresh, fun, and flourishing."

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