
This is a word that means something unique and different to most everyone.  When I was deciding what to write about this week, this word kept coming to mind for many reasons.  First and foremost, since we are about to begin Holy Week, I think about the ultimate sacrifice that was made for us on the Cross.  Jesus Christ gave his life so that we would have a path to righteousness, be forgiven, see the light and know the truth.

One of the ways to look at sacrifice is to give up something you love for something you love more.  Another is to give up something in order to accomplish something greater and for the overall beautifulife you are striving for.  And then there is the just plain giving all you have for those you love so that they thrive and become all that they can be. You see, there are just so many ways to look at the word sacrifice.  

Since we all make sacrifices in ln life I thought it would be important to ask individuals what personal sacrifices they have made so far and below are some of the responses I received.

Moms - "I sacrifice the time for myself, my quality sleep, my career focus, and overall self-care to give my all to my children and family."

Dads - "I sacrifice my time with family because of my career.  I sacrificed choosing a job that I love vs. a job that supports my family and lifestyle. I sacrifice sports or hobbies due to responsibilities."

Teachers - "I sacrifice a better paying job because of a love for children, people, and education. I sacrifice countless hours learning how I can teach others to become better and to grow."

Volunteers - "I sacrifice my time so that I can give to a cause that I believe in.  I also sacrifice my resources to help others heal, grow and to fulfill a need."

Entrepreneurs - "I sacrifice money, time and energy for an idea, a vision and a dream in hopes that my hard work will continue to make it a reality that becomes bigger and better every day."

So, my question is...what does the word sacrifice mean to you?  What are some of the things that you have sacrificed over the years and what was the positive outcome for that sacrifice?  I encourage you to take some time this next week to dig a little deeper to see and appreciate the sacrifices you have made in your life and for the lives of others.  I also want you to recognize and embrace the sacrifices that others have made for you, we all have those individuals in our lives that gave so much for us so that we could thrive, dream, imagine, grow, believe and be free.

My affirmation for you this week is;

"I am thankful and appreciate the sacrifices that were made for me and continue to embrace the sacrifices I make every day to move towards having my most balanced and beautifulife!”

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