Posts tagged: mom life

Dear Mom

Dear Mom

Many times since my Mom passed six years ago, I have thought about her and hoped that she knew how special she was to me.  I was fortunate enough to be with her in her final week of life to tell her how special she was to everyone.  Although I...

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One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is in Proverbs, and it says, "Without a vision, my people perish."  I'm not sure why this particular scripture resonates with me so much.  I have to believe that it is the reason that I continue to encourage others to look into...

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Make Your Bed

Make Your Bed

At a very young age, I learned that being organized can make a huge difference in your success, your accomplishments, and your ultimate quality of life.  You need to be particular about your home life, work-life, and even your social life.  I also learned that it is essential to start...

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