Posts tagged: just breathe

Be Free

Be Free

What does it mean to be free?  I am curious as to what your answers would be as I am quite sure that response to this question will vary depending on your age, your responsibilities in life, your location in the world and where your heart is. My personal belief...

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True Colors

True Colors

It always amazes me to see how people react when faced with the pressure of a crisis, confrontation, emergency, disaster, crossroads or just a major decision. Why is it that some people tend to change so much when the going gets tough instead of staying true to who they have...

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The word remove is one of my favorites for so many reasons.  It is such an important word that I even chose years ago to name one of my very first product creations after it.  I decided to attach words to my products that would not only address what the...

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The word disruption means - a disturbance or problem that interrupts an event, activity, or process. Today I would like to discuss the upside of disruption.  You may say, how can there be an up side to any kind of disruption? Your world is falling apart, your job, marriage or...

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Faith Vs. Fear

Faith Vs. Fear

Faith is the opposite of fear. You cannot have both at the same time as one will overshadow  the other. This is an important truth to grasp and can significantly impact the path to living your most balanced and beautifulife. Many of you have a strong faith and understand this...

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