Posts tagged: laugh



The word remove is one of my favorites for so many reasons.  It is such an important word that I even chose years ago to name one of my very first product creations after it.  I decided to attach words to my products that would not only address what the...

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The Cross

The Cross

This past month I thought many times about the Cross and what it means to people from all different walks of life. As we moved through Holy Week and all the events leading up to Easter Sunday I had several conversations with my daughters about those events, what transpired and what we can...

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There is something amazingly beautiful and special about newborn babies. Just recently I have had the opportunity to share in the joy of one of my employees having her first baby. Our Regional Director Heather had her new baby girl Navy Ray just a couple of weeks ago, and I...

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Make being a parent the best time of your life and see the amazing foundation you help to build in your children. XO

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What does this stand for?  Too much information.  We are on information overload in so many ways.  From the unlimited amounts of resources we are able to sift through online, to people everywhere dishing out their opinions about absolutely everything under the sun on social media.  Then, to top it...

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