Posts tagged: Inspiration

Beautifulife - Back to School

Beautifulife - Back to School

 What kind of things are you focusing on at this time of year?  Many families are thinking about getting their kids back to school and all the preparation that this entails, so I thought it would be a good time to bring attention to some of the other things that...

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"I am ageless"– what an amazing affirmation when you really think about it.   It's so powerful and beautiful to be able to say those words and really mean them, and I'm here to remind you that the actions you take and the words you say every day, to yourself and...

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When life gets hectic and you find yourself gasping for a break, it's time to slow down, relax, reflect and just breathe. Breathing is something we take for granted, and for thousands of years, people have used breathing exercises and breath control for meditation and prayer, to calm stress, relieve...

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How many of you are on the go so much that you are having a hard time fitting in a trip to the gym or a so-called "REAL workout"?  Well, I have some good news for you because the things you do daily just might be adding to your fitness...

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