Fill Your Cup

Fill Your Cup

I love a great cup of coffee in the morning, and I have a specific way I want mine to be, with just the right amount of coffee, a dash of cream, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  This past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about what having a...

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Summer is an excellent time to address the word Resurface.  There are a few meanings for this word.  One is to change something's surface, whether it be a countertop, a floor, or a piece of furniture.  The other is to bring something back up that has been pushed down, suppressed,...

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Summer is always a fun reminder to me about how important family is.  It is always the time that our family travels on a summer trip that we all enjoy.  When I was young and growing up in Minnesota, we spent our summers with family at our lake house.  Our...

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Time To Fly

Time To Fly

I have a beautiful Osprey nest in my yard, and it is always so exciting to see the babies each year.  It is so interesting to see how the parents will nurture their young.  They feed them, protect them from predators, shield them from the storm and guard them against...

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Time is an interesting topic since it affects us all differently depending on where we are in our life’s journey.  After spending many years on an Island, the term “on Island Time” comes up often, which is a different way of keeping time, like showing up whenever and being totally...

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