Posts tagged: fitness

Roots to Fruits

Roots to Fruits

What are your roots?  What kind of fruit do you bear?  I ask this because I believe firmly in the fact that the foundation that was created for you as a young person can determine your outcome in life in so many ways. This is indeed where your roots begin....

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Forever Young

Forever Young

I can almost guarantee that some of you have heard over and over again, “you are not that old” or when you tell someone your age they say “no way” I would have never guessed that.”  This is because some of you have learned to master the art of living...

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Beautifulife: Embrace Health

Beautifulife: Embrace Health

How many of you are paying attention to what your body is telling you day to day?  I know, some of you are saying to yourself, "if I worried about every little ache or pain there wouldn't be enough time in the day, or I would seem like a chronic...

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