Posts tagged: momblogger

The Cheerleader

The Cheerleader

This is such a fun time of the year for many as the kids and teachers head back to school, and the sports teams ramp up to start a new season of competition.  Most of us have our favorite football teams that we root for and look forward to game...

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Down Under

Down Under

This Summer, we brought our girls to Australia to see where their Dad grew up, meet some family, and explore the Country.  The experience opened their eyes up to how beautiful Australia is, and how similar, yet different, the people, culture, food, and environment are to ours. I had been...

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Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata

 How many of you have loved the Lion King movies?  What is not to love about this beautiful story representing family, love, bravery, growing up, and taking your rightful place in this world? The Lion King was a classic Disney movie that we watched with our daughters in short...

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Don't Blink

Don't Blink

How many times have you said, "I can't believe how time passes so quickly."  Whether you are referring to your children growing up or you becoming older, it seems that we continue to be amazed at how fast the years go by.   Just this past year, I have experienced...

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Dream and Achieve

Dream and Achieve

This is such an exciting time of year for so many people of all ages as Spring comes to an end and Summer begins.  Graduations are happening for all ages from preschool to kindergarten, elementary school to middle school, middle school to high school, high school to college and college...

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