Posts tagged: wellness



What does it mean to wander? According to the dictionary, it has various meanings, but they all circle back to something that I believe to be an important part of living your most balanced and beautifuLIFE. In a nutshell, to wander means to move about without a fixed course, aim,...

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Beautifulife: Embrace Health

Beautifulife: Embrace Health

How many of you are paying attention to what your body is telling you day to day?  I know, some of you are saying to yourself, "if I worried about every little ache or pain there wouldn't be enough time in the day, or I would seem like a chronic...

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BeautifuLife: Shine Bright

BeautifuLife: Shine Bright

Light can symbolize lots of things – like hope, inspiration, love and peace. Our personal happiness is also like a light, burning bright deep within us, and when the daily stresses of life become overwhelming, that light starts to dim, making it harder to see and focus on what's truly...

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"I am ageless"– what an amazing affirmation when you really think about it.   It's so powerful and beautiful to be able to say those words and really mean them, and I'm here to remind you that the actions you take and the words you say every day, to yourself and...

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When life gets hectic and you find yourself gasping for a break, it's time to slow down, relax, reflect and just breathe. Breathing is something we take for granted, and for thousands of years, people have used breathing exercises and breath control for meditation and prayer, to calm stress, relieve...

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