Posts tagged: remove negativity

No Pain = No Gain

No Pain = No Gain

You have most likely heard the term before, "no pain, no gain."  What does this mean to you? You may relate this to gaining strength or becoming a better or more proficient athlete.   After all, unless you feel the burn, the bruises, the fall, the sweat or the defeat,...

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Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata

 How many of you have loved the Lion King movies?  What is not to love about this beautiful story representing family, love, bravery, growing up, and taking your rightful place in this world? The Lion King was a classic Disney movie that we watched with our daughters in short...

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Roots to Fruits

Roots to Fruits

What are your roots?  What kind of fruit do you bear?  I ask this because I believe firmly in the fact that the foundation that was created for you as a young person can determine your outcome in life in so many ways. This is indeed where your roots begin....

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Forever Young

Forever Young

I can almost guarantee that some of you have heard over and over again, “you are not that old” or when you tell someone your age they say “no way” I would have never guessed that.”  This is because some of you have learned to master the art of living...

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I love this word because it means so much more than to just shimmer and shine.  This is what I believe we should all strive to do when we walk into a room, do a presentation, meet new people, show up for work, basically everywhere we go.  Now, you may...

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